Coverage costs start at $9/mo, have no deductible and a claim won't impact your homeowners insurance. Manage your storage facility from the convenience of your own home, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Seasonal Outdoor Gear: Changing of the seasons means new activities, sports, and hobbies. Keeping this gear in a storage facility in the off season not only gets them out of the way but gets them out of your home.
If you have activities for every season be efficient and rotate your storage unit so when one season ends you can swap it with the new. For example, store hunting gear, college dorm furniture and winter clothing during the summer and outdoor furniture, pool toys, camping gear in the winter. Seasonal Decorations: Are you the Clark Griswold of the neighborhood and pride yourself in taking exterior illumination to the next level?
Or do you simply love the seasons and enjoy decorating your home for the seasons? These decorations take up a lot of space in our homes, garages, attics, closets, etc. and are the perfect candidate to keep in a self-storage unit where you have access to them whenever you need them.
If you have activities for every season be efficient and rotate your storage unit so when one season ends you can swap it with the new. For example, store hunting gear, college dorm furniture and winter clothing during the summer and outdoor furniture, pool toys, camping gear in the winter. Seasonal Decorations: Are you the Clark Griswold of the neighborhood and pride yourself in taking exterior illumination to the next level?
Or do you simply love the seasons and enjoy decorating your home for the seasons? These decorations take up a lot of space in our homes, garages, attics, closets, etc. and are the perfect candidate to keep in a self-storage unit where you have access to them whenever you need them.
With 50 sq ft our 5x10 fits furnishings of a mid-sized bedroom, including a queen-sized bed, a dresser, a TV and several small to medium-sized boxes.
This is a great size for a college dorm room or studio apartment.
The Reservation Deposit is the deposit amount needed to reserve a unit and the full amount will be credited back on the first rental invoice.
With 100 sq ft our 10x10 is great for items found in two bedrooms, an entire family room or a modest one- or two-bedroom apartment.
A few large appliances and pieces of large furniture can easily be stored in this unit as well as mattress sets, desks, couches, dining room sets and multiple boxes.
This is a great size for a college dorm room or studio apartment.
The Reservation Deposit is the deposit amount needed to reserve a unit and the full amount will be credited back on the first rental invoice.
With 100 sq ft our 10x10 is great for items found in two bedrooms, an entire family room or a modest one- or two-bedroom apartment.
A few large appliances and pieces of large furniture can easily be stored in this unit as well as mattress sets, desks, couches, dining room sets and multiple boxes.
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